Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor paid a visit to Tirumala Swami on Friday. She reached the temple through the Srivari Metla Marg and participated in the Lord’s service during the VIP break darshan in the morning.
TTD officials extended a warm welcome to Janhvi and made special arrangements for her darshan. Afterward, scholars at the Ranganayakula Mandapam performed Vedashirvachanam for her and presented the Lord’s tirthaprasadam. Notably, this isn’t her first visit, as Janhvi has made multiple trips to seek the Lord’s blessings in the past.
On the professional front, Janhvi Kapoor recently made her Telugu debut with Devara, which turned out to be a super hit. While the film was still in production, she landed an exciting opportunity to act opposite global star Ram Charan in Buchi Babu’s upcoming directorial, where she is set to play a prominent role.