Regina Dance On Road…!


Regina Cassandra has danced on the road to a song for the ‘KIKI Challenge’. Pop singer Dark made an album ‘Scorpion’ with ‘In my feelings’ song. So, dance to this song by getting down from the moving car is ‘Kiki Challenge’.

Now, Regina has taken this challenge and danced for this song. She has worn Half saree to do it and looking like so pretty. She is looking like a real Telugu girl and it is different to see ‘a dance with half saree to an English song’. Now, she has shared the dance video on social media (Twitter) and it is getting viral.

Although, this kiki challenge kills some persons also and it causes injuries. It is a very dangerous act by getting from the moving car. So, Polices take action on this challenge and aware the people to avoid it. The twitter account also suspended who had posted it initially.


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