Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp has launched the 'forward media with the caption' feature on iOS, which provides users the ability to forward images, videos,...
Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is reportedly working on voice status on iOS beta for an upcoming iOS update.
It provides users the ability to share...
Meta has announced that its messaging platform WhatsApp is launching a yellow pages-style business directory in five countries.
The feature will roll out across Brazil,...
Meta Founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday announced the global roll out of a 32-person video calling feature called 'Communities' on WhatsApp.
Zuckerberg posted...
Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is reportedly testing a self-messaging feature that would allow you to send messages to yourself more easily.
According to WABetaInfo, WhatsApp...
Meta-owned WhatsApp went down on Tuesday across the globe, including several parts of the country, as multiple users reported they cannot access the messaging...
Meta has launched a new advertisement campaign to target Apple's iMessage platform.
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, and CEO of Meta revealed the campaign in which...