10 Greatest Technological Inventions Up to Date


Since the time of modern man’s age that began roughly 200,000 years ago, the world has indeed been exposed to a progression of innovation and invention. Progress has been achieved from primitive developments such as the wheel and paper to today’s high-tech gadgets. There have been impressive developments indeed in order to make man’s life more comfortable.


Communication has built relationships. Today’s cell phones are instantaneous and untethered communication oriented. People own smartphones which have become necessary for communication. Information is on one’s fingertips.


This invention has been a major breakthrough in the culinary lifestyles of mankind. Be it at home or in the office, it has become very convenient to prepare food. Not only have microwaves modernized the way we eat, but they also made meals far more convenient, quick to make and tasty to eat.


GPS, or Global Positioning System, and its integration has definitely impacted the tech-related world. Nearly half of Americans carrying smartphones likely have GPS apps guiding the way.


One of the greatest technologies ever invented is no doubt the personal computer. The invention of the personal computer, or PC, happened in the 1970s and has no doubt revolutionized the entire world.


Music has impacted life for years to come and digitizing music has improved sound quality and sharing ability. Digital music also does cut back on waste, and it is only a matter of time before CDs, records and cassette tapes do become obsolete.

10 greatest technological inventions up to dateCOMPUTER MOUSE

The computer mouse is a technology that often taken for granted and is not noticed. Earlier computers were the size of a house; they could only be manipulated via hundreds of tiny buttons and sliders. The mouse — named after its tail-like cord and round body — was no doubt invented in 1964 by Douglas Engelbart, a radar technician from the Stanford Research Institute.


The Internet is still in its infancy but has impacted the invention world well. It was invented in the late ’60s and made available to the public in the ’90s. Since then, it has improved both communication and information dissemination and changed daily life for virtually everyone on Earth.

It has improved both communication and information dissemination and changed our daily life tremendously.


Like the microwave, remote controls are not all that necessary for humankind’s survival. Yet they are certainly convenient. Remote controls were invented in 1955. They have wirelessly changed the TV channel or run through one’s slideshows — without making one move from one’s couch or podium — is undeniably impressive.


Digital cameras do capture sentimental moments and personal adventures. They do come in handy for recording such memories, but they also are useful in news dissemination and recording history in general. While film-based cameras do pave the way for their digital descendants, today’s high-tech cameras and integrated phones eliminate long processing times and do allow us to share pictures instantly.


The idea of video conferencing may not appear very awesome in the tech-saturated world but nevertheless, they do play a significant role in communication processes. Today, talking face-to-face, without actually being face-to-face, is commonplace — with just two or three clicks of one’s house, with the help of a digital camera located on one’s PC or smartphone, it is across the Internet reach out.


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