Mumbai, May 19 Actor, and writer Adivi Sesh are unfazed by the prospect of a box office clash with Akshay Kumar’s ‘Prithviraj’ which is slated to release at the same time — June 3. Adivi Sesh starrer ‘Major’ sets it up for a box office face-off with at least two other big-ticket releases at the same time. Akshay Kumar starrer ‘Prithviraj’ and Kamal Haasan’s ‘Vikram’ are also releasing in theatres on June 3.
However, Adivi Sesh is confident that ‘Major’ will emerge as a winner at the box office.
At the song launch of ‘Oh Isha’ on Wednesday, Sesh was a picture of poise and humility when responding to a question on the topic. “I think practically speaking, we have the biggest film in Telugu, ‘Vikram’ is the biggest film in Tamil, and ‘Prithviraj’ is the biggest film in Hindi but while there are big fish in the sea, we are the goldfish.”
‘Major’ is based on the life of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, hero of the Mumbai terror attacks.
The bilingual film was shot in both Hindi and Telugu and will release in Malayalam as well. Produced by Sony Pictures International Productions in association with Mahesh Babu’s GMB Entertainment and A+S Movies, Major is directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka and stars Adivi Sesh, Sobhita Dhulipala, Saiee Manjrekar, Revathi, Prakash Raj, Anish Kuruvilla, and Murali Sharma.