Anando Brahma Movie Telugu Bullet Review

Anando Brahma Movie Telugu Bullet Review

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Anando Brahma Movie Telugu Bullet ReviewAnando Brahma Movie Telugu Bullet Review

Movie: Anando Brahma
Actors: TapseePannu, Srinivas Reddy, Vennela Kishore, Rajeev Kanakala
Producers: Vijay Challa, Sesidevi Reddy
Music Director: k
Editor: Sarvan Katikaneni
Cinematography: Aneesh Tarun Kumar

Beautiful actress Tapsee after a long time appears in the movie “Anando Brahma” in Telugu films. Though she is busy and successful with Hindi films appeared after a long time in Telugu which increased the interest in the audience. Anando Brahma is a horror comedy entertainment movie. Let’s see how Tapsee entertained the audience in the movie Anando Brahma and the movie is up to the expectations or not.


The story starts with the death of Rajiv Kanakala’s parents. Rajiv tries to sell the house where they all lived till then. Tapsee along with an old man and a baby would live in the house as devils. By the rumors on the house as booth banglaw, No one is ready to buy the house. Moreover, To prove the rumor false, Some of the people with financial difficulties are made to live in the house. However, Srinivas Reddy, Shekalaka Shankar, Tagubothu Ramesh and Vennela Kishore will reach the house. What are their experiences with demons in the house? Tapsee is a ghost or not? Why do Rajeev Kanakalas parents die is the story.


‘Anando Brahma’ the title is interesting with the horror concept, the Devil itself is scared of humans created a huge interest towards the movie. But they failed to show the main point in the movie. Even the scenes are so common when they enter the house. When the real reason revealed in the story the movie became uninteresting. So the ‘Anando Braham’ is a “so so” movie. The only plus point to this movie is the comedy. Where the comedians Srinivas Reddy, Shakalaka Shankar, Tagubotu Ramesh, Vennela Kishore did a good job to the movie. And finally, Taapsi disappointed the audience. As she couldn’t able to play the horror genre theme in her acting.

Plus Points:
Rajeev Kanakala action
Minus Points:
Many Including story
Telugu Bullet Punch Line: Anando Brahma not upto the mark
Telugu Bullet Rating: 2.75/5


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