Nata Kireeti Rajendra Prasad in the father role, Santosh and Harshita in lead roles, in the direction of Ramesh Cheppala, the movie is “Bewars”. Generally, the movie titles like Pokiri, Idiot, Poramboku, Loafer, Julayi and etc. came in the past years. However, in recent times no film name is not like this, but suddenly the movie comes with the title “Bewras”. So, this movie trailer is released and it is good. Really, the emotional and punch dialogues are superb. The way of acting style of hero Santosh performance also looking good in the trailer.
According to the trailer, this movie is about a daughters death. Importantly, the song ‘Thalli Thalli’ was got a great response from the audiences. Moreover, National award winner Lyricist Suddala Ashok Teja sir gave such amazing lyrics and Sunil Kashyap’s voice brought it to the next level. Albeit, Sunil Kashyap is the music director of this movie. Of course, we know his famous songs from the movies like Oka Manasu, Loafer, Jyothi Lakshmi and etc. Really, the song expresses the love and feel of a father towards his daughter.
Cast: Rajendra Prasad, Sanjosh, Harshita & Others
Producer: Ponnala Chandu, Dr.MS. Murthy & M.Aravind
Written & Director: Ramesh Cheppala
Music: Sunil Kashyap
Editing: M. R. Varma
Cinematography: K. Chitti Babu