Parliament’s Indefinite Stall: BJP’s Blackmark In Indian Political History


BJP Blackmark In Indian Political History

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As expected, the BJP directed Speaker Sumitra Mahajan has indefinitely suspended the Parliament to avoid discussion on No Confidence Motion. The BJP’s act not only ended up as a black day in the Parliament but also set a new rule which can be followed by later Governments to escape anything.If we observe carefully, the BJP behaved very similarly to the Congress during the time of AP- Telangana bifurcation. Likewise, it divided the United Telugu land by closing doors, the BJP too escaped APs wrath by avoiding their protest. Not one or two but for many days, the Speaker suspended the house in order to keep No Confidence Motion papers in the trash can.

Modi who ditched AP by fake promises has happily left the Parliament without a wink even though the TDP MPs protested in front of him. This Indian PM who should see all parts of India equally again proved that he always belittle Southern part especially the State of Andhra. It is now official that BJP took AP for granted. Is it the mistake of BJP or the bad approach of Telugu MPs lacking necessary commitment? Only they can answer the question if they are willing to. The policy makers themselves are not obeying the rules of the constitution so the voters should forget development. Had if the Telugu leaders have guts to fight more, The Special Status might have achieved for now. Instead, they are doing unwilling cycle rallies and fake resignations for the sake of media, attention, and votes. It is better to blame ourselves for voting such rulers than blaming the Centre which is controlling a State just by adjourning the house.

Now the leaders of AP are finding ways to create more pressure on BJP by road rallies and starting indefinite rallies. To talk facts, Centre is not in a mood to care anything. We have seen BJP shutting National media which covers programmes against Modi. Also, ANAIDMK MPs take a huge credit in BJPs success. Without them, BJP should not have evaded from No Confidence Motion. As a senior most Political analyst said, BJP should consider No Confidence Motion immediately when issued or else it will legally lose the contest. Let us wait and see what drastic steps would our AP leaders take to achieve AP Bifurcation act grants and Special Category Status.

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