The Sandhya Theater stampede incident has sparked widespread discussions across the country. Recently, renowned Bollywood producer Boney Kapoor addressed the incident, stating that there was no need to blame Allu Arjun. He clarified that the stampede occurred due to the overwhelming number of people attending.
Boney Kapoor highlighted the deep love South Indian audiences have for their favorite heroes. He shared his experience of attending a midnight show for a movie starring Tamil star Ajith, where around 20,000 people gathered near the theater. He mentioned that it was the first time he had witnessed such a massive crowd at a cinema. When the movie ended at 4 am, the same number of people were still waiting outside.
According to Boney Kapoor, this kind of overwhelming crowd presence is common for films featuring top stars like Chiranjeevi, Rajinikanth, Ram Charan, Mahesh Babu, and Allu Arjun. He emphasized that the stampede at Sandhya Theater happened because of the sheer volume of people attending the show.