Nandamuri Natasimham Balakrishna, fondly known as the God of Masses in Tollywood, has delivered yet another blockbuster with his latest film, Daku Maharaj. Directed by Kolli Bobby, this sensational project carried immense expectations from the outset and has achieved record-breaking openings in Balayya’s career. Post-release, the movie garnered a positive response, aligning perfectly with the pre-release hype.
The film has now completed its three-day theatrical run and achieved phenomenal box office numbers. As per the official figures released by the makers, Daku Maharaj has amassed over ₹92 crores worldwide within just three days. It is poised to enter the prestigious ₹100 crore club on its fourth day, marking yet another milestone in Balayya’s illustrious career.
Featuring Pragya Jaiswal, Urvashi Rautela, and Shraddha Srinath in pivotal roles, the film’s music, composed by Thaman, has further elevated its mass appeal. Daku Maharaj stands as another testament to Balakrishna’s unshakable dominance at the box office.