Britain Company Report Create Obstacles for Smart City Project
Britain Company Report Create Obstacles for Smart City Project: Finally Venkaiah Naidu finalized for the Vice- President and his victory is systematical. What will happen to AP if Venkaiah is not, his well wishers feeling. His one dream got spoiled that is the smart city. After coming to urban development Venkaiah Naidu planned a smart city project to attract Modi. But Britain company report became the obstacle.
Smart city project is to give basic facilities to the city. But it is showing like creating a new city. Just they will build 40 floors building, giving ranks to the cities, competition in between states. For this, they’re creating it as a project issue. At this moment Britain company report kept check for this smart city project.
Britain company delegates are telling that this smart city 40 floors building will create unnecessary environmental problems. They are questioning that in the name of development if they ruin cities then what they gain…? So even government start re-thinking that if someone goes to court then the problem will arise.