Man of the masses, NTR's latest film 'Devara,' has successfully entered its third week in theaters. Directed by Koratala Siva, this action-packed drama has...
"Superstar Mahesh Babu's film 'Guntur Karam,' directed by Trivikram and featuring Srileela and Meenakshi Chaudhary as the heroines, fell short of expectations despite massive...
"Power Star Pawan Kalyan has resumed shooting for his much-anticipated film 'Harihara Veeramallu,' which is set to hit theaters in a grand release on...
Sitara Entertainments, known for producing a series of successful films in Tollywood, has multiple exciting projects lined up. This banner, in collaboration with Fortune...
Tollywood’s promising comedian Satya has gained recognition for his strong role in the recent hit "Matthu Vadalara 2," directed by Ritesh Rana, alongside the...