
Popular Secrets of Lakshmi Manchu’s Fitness

Lakshmi Manchu believes in an extensive workout at the gym and yoga to stay fit and healthy. Her fans do admire her looks and...

5 Ways to Increase Concentration

5 Ways to Increase Concentration. Concentration plays a vital role in a person’s daily activities be it on the home front or in the...

Eating diet high in fiber and yogurt may slash deadly cancer risk

Eating a diet that contains high amounts of fiber and yogurt may help prevent lung cancer, according to a new study out of Vanderbilt...

Stress, poor diet, linked with acne

The research conferred at the 28th European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Congress in Madrid assessed the vulnerability to various worsening portions on acne...

Antibody-based eye drop may treat dry eye disease: Study

The study found that patients suffering from dry eye can be cured with a new eye drop made from human antibodies. researchers noticed the...

