
35 per cent of children under five are stunted: Survey

A first-ever federal CNNS issued by the Union Health Ministry has reported that about 35 percent of kids in the nation under five ages...

Physical therapy better for low back pain: Study

Patients who first saw a physical therapist for low back pain, rather than a primary care physician (PCP), were much less likely to be...

Diabetes symptoms can be lowered by weight loss

Dropping weight up to 10 percent can end in the reduction of type 2 diabetes, say researchers. The conclusions issued in the journal 'Diabetic...

Study Confirms Link Between Air Pollution and Children’s Mental Health

Researchers have discovered that short-term vulnerability to ambient air contamination was linked with increasing of psychiatric diseases in children one to two days later. The...

Antibiotic resistance key area for US-India ties: Juster

Unfolding the antibiotic resistance as one of the most significant global health issues, a US representative on Monday said it was a key area...

