
TB vaccination may lower 20% the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

BCG vaccine reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease A recent study suggests that the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, a 100-year-old tuberculosis vaccine, may potentially reduce...

Google won’t delete inactive YouTube accounts

Google has clarified that it will not delete accounts Google has clarified that it will not delete accounts with YouTube videos, despite its earlier announcement...

OpenAI launched ChatGPT app for iOS

OpenAI now launched an app for IOS Users OpenAI, which is now owned by Microsoft, has launched the ChatGPT app for iOS, allowing users to...

“Curio AI,” audio journalism app

UK-based audio journalism app "Curio AI," Curio, the UK-based audio journalism app, has introduced "Curio AI," a feature that enables users to create personalized audio...

iPhones will soon start speaking in your voice

Apple iPhone's new "Personal Voice" feature Apple iPhone has unveiled several new accessibility features aimed at the cognitive, vision, hearing, and mobility needs. One notable...

