The upcoming pan-India film "Kannappa" stars Manchu Vishnu in the lead role. Vishnu has been dedicating significant effort to this ambitious project, which has...
The dynamic combination of Natasimham Balayya and Boyapati Srinu, known for delivering blockbusters, achieved phenomenal success with 'Akhanda'. Following this, the expectations for their...
Directed by Chandu Mondeti, the film is generating immense anticipation, with audiences eagerly waiting to see the level of success it will achieve. The...
Tollywood’s legendary hero, Megastar Chiranjeevi, takes the lead role alongside Trisha in the much-anticipated movie Vishvambhara, directed by Vasishtha. Initially slated for release on...
Man of Masses Jr. NTR's latest blockbuster Devara has taken the box office by storm. Directed by Koratala Siva, this mass action entertainer captivated...