CCTV Cameras creating Problem at Delhi Traffic Signals
CCTV Cameras creating Problem at Delhi Traffic Signals: On roads, women of strangers and colleagues are getting the lift. With that, your marriage life is in danger. The Strange thing right… In Delhi, this is the thing happening it seems. The police installed CCTV cameras to improve road safety and fine receipts for crossing rules. They will get photos with proof of crossing rules. With this husband are facing hilarious problems to answer for wife’s questions.
Recently in Delhi, a family collapsed due to this reason. A man is traveling from office to home and gave the lift for a woman colleague. So with the CCTV footage that they are traveling on the same bike and even, he crossed the rules. So a receipt was sent to his home. So the wife questioned her husband by knowing about the woman on his bike.
So the wife gave complaint on her husband is cheating her and having an affair with another woman. So the police enquired that man even he said the truth but the police inquiry because of his wife’s complaint. So that husband faced problems.