Director Dinesh Lakshmanan’s upcoming investigative crime thriller, featuring actors Aishwarya Rajesh and Arjun in the lead, has been titled ‘Theeyavar Kulaigal Nadunga’.
Sources close to the unit of the film, the first look of which was released on Friday, say that the core concept of the plot revolves around autistic children.
Expectations from the crime investigation thriller have been on the rise ever since news first broke out that the film will have actors Arjun and Aishwarya Rajesh working together.
The first look poster of the film, which has Aishwarya Rajesh holding a holy book with a scared look on her face with Arjun standing behind her and holding an umbrella, has caught the attention of both fans and film buffs.
Produced by G. Arul Kumar of GS Arts, the film will also feature Ramkumar Sivaji, GK Reddy, Praveen Raja, Prankster Rahul, and Abhirami Venkatachalam among others.
Saravanan Abhimanyu is the cinematographer of the film, which has music by Bharath Aaseevagan and editing by Lawrence Kishore.