The much-anticipated mass entertainer “Daku Maharaj”, directed by Kolli Bobby, stars Nandamuri Natasimham Balakrishna in the lead role, alongside Pragya Jaiswal as the heroine and Shraddha Srinath in a key role. The shooting of this highly awaited film has been successfully wrapped up, and the post-production work is now progressing at a brisk pace.
With the release date fast approaching, reports suggest that the makers have finalized a solid runtime for the film. As per the latest buzz, Daku Maharaj will have a theatrical runtime of 2 hours and 45 minutes, promising a full-fledged mass treat for Balakrishna’s fans.
Director Bobby is said to have taken the film to the next level, raising expectations sky-high. Adding to the excitement, Thaman is composing the music, which is already generating positive anticipation. Daku Maharaj is all set to hit theaters as a Sankranthi gift next year, aiming to deliver another blockbuster for Balakrishna.