Tamil superstar Dhanush has heaped praise on Karthik Subbaraj’s latest film, Jigarthanda DoubleX, calling it a “masterpiece.” Dhanush, who previously worked with Subbaraj on the critically acclaimed film Jagame Thandiram, took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the film, saying:
“Just watched Jigarthanda DoubleX. It’s a masterpiece. Karthik Subbaraj has done it again. He’s a genius. The performances from Raghava Lawrence, SJ Suryah, and the rest of the cast are outstanding. The music by Santhosh Narayanan is haunting. I urge everyone to go and watch this film. It’s an experience you won’t forget.”
Dhanush’s praise for Jigarthanda DoubleX is high praise indeed, and it is likely to boost the film’s box office performance. The film is a spiritual successor to the 2014 film Jigarthanda, which was also directed by Subbaraj. It is set in 1975 and tells the story of a filmmaker who is obsessed with violence.
The film has been praised for its stylish visuals, its strong performances, and its unique blend of genres. It is sure to be one of the most talked-about Tamil films of the year.