Johnny Master, a renowned choreographer in Tollywood, recently found himself in the limelight for unexpected reasons. Following an incident, he was jailed, which sparked widespread discussions about his personality on social media. After being released on bail, Johnny opened up about his experience in a heartfelt interview with ‘Jafar.’
“After going to jail, I was completely lost. In the evenings, thoughts of my children, my wife, and my ailing mother consumed me. I was deeply worried about her health. Though surrounded by people, I would cry loudly in the washroom to avoid anyone noticing. Despite everything, I knew my wife, Sumalatha, would stand by me,” he shared.
Reflecting on his ordeal, Johnny expressed his determination to never face jail again and wished the same even for his adversaries. “I admire Pawan Kalyan garu and Charan garu deeply. There were rumors that they were silent during my troubles, but I know they believed in me. Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. At that time, Nagababu garu and my fans supported me through tweets, and for that, I am forever grateful,” said Johnny Master.