Pan-India star Prabhas’ upcoming movie, The Raja Saab, has already completed a major portion of its shooting. Directed by Maruthi, this film is shaping up as a full-fledged horror-comedy, sparking immense curiosity among the audience. The first-look posters released so far have been well-received, adding to the anticipation. Meanwhile, an intriguing update about the film creates a buzz in film circles.
Music director Thaman has composed four songs for The Raja Saab, each crafted with unique and captivating themes. The album includes melodious tracks and a high-energy mass number. Prabhas is set to begin filming the songs soon, with plans to wrap up the sequences by the end of February.
Currently, Prabhas is enjoying a brief vacation. He is expected to rejoin the shoot for The Raja Saab upon his return and aims to complete the remaining work by the first week of March. Only after finalizing this project will he move on to his next film.
Fans of Prabhas are eagerly awaiting further updates on The Raja Saab. The film features an ensemble cast including Malavika Mohanan, Nidhi Agarwal, Riddhi Kumar, and Bobby Deol in key roles. Produced by T.G. Vishwaprasad under the People Media Factory banner, the movie is being made on a grand scale, further elevating expectations.