Global star Ram Charan takes the lead in the highly anticipated pan-India film Game Changer, directed by the visionary Shankar. Featuring Kiara Advani and Anjali as the heroines, the movie has already garnered massive expectations among mega fans. As promotions for the film are gaining momentum, recent comments from music director Thaman have added to the excitement.
Known for delivering chart-topping songs in Shankar’s films, Thaman has promised that the track Jargandi in Game Changer will be a true paisa vasool (worth every penny) experience. He further hinted that the song would look spectacular on an IMAX screen.
Interestingly, Thaman revealed that the idea for the iconic word “Jargandi” and the vibe of the “Dhope” song stemmed from none other than Shankar himself. This insight into Shankar’s creative influence has amplified the buzz around the film.
With such elements building anticipation, Game Changer promises to be a visual and musical extravaganza, leaving fans eagerly counting down the days to its release.