Tamil star hero Suriya’s much-awaited film Kanguva hit the screens amid high expectations. Directed by Siva, a prestigious filmmaker, the movie was made with a massive budget. However, Kanguva failed to meet expectations at the box office, as the audience did not resonate with the film’s storyline. Suriya, who had placed high hopes on the project, was left disappointed by its outcome, and fans too were disheartened by the film’s poor performance.
Despite its box office failure, Kanguva aims to capture the OTT audience’s attention. The film will be streaming on the popular OTT platform Amazon Prime Video starting December 8. An official announcement regarding the release was made recently.
The movie features Bollywood actor Bobby Deol as the villain, with Disha Patani playing the female lead. The music for Kanguva was composed by Devi Sri Prasad, and it was produced by Studio Green and UV Creations banners. It remains to be seen how the film performs with the OTT audience.