The upcoming pan-India film “Kannappa” stars Manchu Vishnu in the lead role. Vishnu has been dedicating significant effort to this ambitious project, which has generated excitement with its stellar cast. The movie features top actors like Prabhas, Akshay Kumar, and Mohanlal, adding to its grandeur. Recently, the film’s team unveiled the first look of Kajal Aggarwal as Goddess Parvati, garnering widespread attention. Additionally, Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar will portray the role of Lord Shiva in this fantasy action drama.
Scheduled for release on April 25, 2025, the movie also stars Preeti Mukundan as the female lead. Directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh, best known for his work on the Mahabharat serial, “Kannappa” promises to be a visual spectacle. The film is being produced by Mohan Babu under the banners 24 Frames Factory and AVA Entertainment, with music composed by Stephen Devasse and Mani Sharma.
A significant portion of the movie was filmed in New Zealand, enhancing its visual appeal. Speaking about the film, Mohan Babu emphasized that “Kannappa” is not merely a devotional film but a historical narrative. Apart from producing the film, he also plays a pivotal role, further underlining his dedication to this project.