‘Kantara’ has become the second-highest collection at the box office with a worldwide reach of Rs 188 crore after the ‘KGF’ movie which is acted with hero Yash in a Kannada film.
Actor Rishab Shetty’s latest film ‘Kantara’ has been released recently, it reached the highest collections after the release of the movie in India, other countries, and worldwide. In India, at the box office Rs 170 crore was collected and Rs 18 crore was reached out of the country.
Because of the occasion of the Diwali weekend, ‘Kantara’ has reached the best collections at the box office, in India almost 170 crores crossed and it will beat the Rs 200 crore line before the end of the 4-5 weeks, according to the analysis of movie makers.
‘Kantara’ got Rs 111 crore estimate still in Karnataka with Rs 14 crore the fourth weekend, it double of the fourth week of ‘KGF2’.