Tollywood’s legendary hero, Megastar Chiranjeevi, takes the lead role alongside Trisha in the much-anticipated movie Vishvambhara, directed by Vasishtha. Initially slated for release on January 10, the film faced a slight delay after the teaser received a mixed response, prompting the makers to revisit key aspects of the production.
The primary area of concern has been the VFX work, which drew criticism for not meeting expectations. In response, the original graphical team has been replaced with a new, more experienced team to enhance the visuals. While the teaser visuals weren’t entirely subpar, the feedback highlighted areas for improvement. To avoid potential backlash and ensure a positive audience reception, the makers are making these proactive adjustments.
Adding to the grandeur, MM Keeravani is composing the music, and the film is being produced by UV Creations, known for its high-quality production standards. With these efforts, Vishvambhara is shaping up to be a visually stunning cinematic experience.