Tanushree Dutta, who has blamed veteran actor Nana Patekar for sexually attacking her on the sets, she also claimed that she was assaulted by the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) party labourers at the command of the on-screen character.
In the latest interview, the actor quoted that MNS’s association for the situation and contrasting the political party with terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda and ISIS. “MNS isn’t only a party, however, a belief system like Al-Qaeda or ISIS…they are a disruptive communal, narrow-minded philosophy and anybody from any calling can vow devotion to it,” Tanushree said.
The actress also shared that she had gotten dangers of a fierce attack from Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), including that Mumbai Police had supposedly offered her 24-hour security. Be that as it may, MNS part Ameya Khopkar on 2 October expelled her cases against his party. Now, MNS Party hit backs Tanushree Dutta’s comments on their party.
In the latest Interview, Minister of state for Home Deepak Sarkar stated that “I had shared a clip of the episode where her car was attacked. In that clip, you can see that a couple of media agents attacked her car after she had some contention with them. No MNS leader could be seen in the light of the fact that we were never there.”
He also stated that MNS has constantly bolstered Bollywood artists, notwithstanding running efforts against Pakistani actress with the goal that Indian artist would not be denied work. He also said that Dutta’s turn was an attention stunt and the gathering has decided not to respond to it. On Other Hand, Thanushree affirmed that she and her family were attacked by people from a political party after she declined to play out the cosy step.