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Twitter’s revenue nosedived 40% in Dec as advertisers left: Report

Despite Elon Musk's efforts to monetize Twitter, the micro-blogging platform reported a massive 40 percent drop in revenue and adjusted earnings for December 2022,...

Cricket star Andre Russell joins Mostbet Brand Ambassador team

A beloved player among cricket fans all over the world -- Andre Russell -- has joined Mostbet's team of star ambassadors on Wednesday. The stylish...

This malware steals social media credentials under ChatGPT app disguise

A team of researchers has identified a new and ongoing malware campaign that capitalizes on the increasing popularity of the ChatGPT AI chatbot, a...

95% WhatsApp users in India bombarded with pesky messages daily

A massive 95 percent of WhatsApp users surveyed in India indicate that they get one or more pesky messages each day and 41 percent...

Google hits back in US search antitrust lawsuit, says doesn’t block rivals

Google has hit back at a US government anti-trust lawsuit over its search engine, saying its search deals -- including agreements with Mozilla and...


