Renowned Mollywood director Alphonse Puthren, best known for his classic movie Premam, has revealed Gift, his newest film, which stars a star-studded cast that includes Sampath Raj, Kovai Sarala, Sandy Master, and more.
Alphonse Puthren revealed on Instagram, in an unexpected and intimately personal way, that he has chosen to resign from his traditional filmmaking career as a result of receiving a recent diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. He voiced worry about not wanting to put too much strain on the beloved film industry.
Still, he assured his devoted following that he would keep making movies, whether it be music videos, short films, or maybe content for streaming services.
Supporters who related to the director’s journey generously showed their overwhelming gratitude for this revelation. Alphonse Puthren is the only person who can answer fans’ questions about the uncertain future of his upcoming film Gift, which includes whether it will be finished or put on hold.