Yesterday, during an interaction with a Telugu news channel, numero uno director Rajamouli confirmed that his next project after RRR will be with Superstar Mahesh Babu. Needless to say, fans of both the top stars have been jubilant with Rajamouli’s revelation.
Meanwhile, there has been an interesting discussion on Mahesh’s 27th project under Parasuram’s direction ever since Rajamouli’s big announcement. It’s being rumored of late that the Mahesh-Parshuram film will be a pan-India project.
And the latest discussion is all about whether Mahesh will restrict Parasuram’s film only to Telugu, as a pan-India film under Rajamouli’s direction is a more impactful proposition. Well, whether Mahesh will make any changes to Parasuram’s pan-India plans or if he will take the big risk and go ahead with the multiple language release remains to be seen.