Rajamouli Launch Sira Narasimha Reddy Movie Title Logo
Rajamouli Launch Sira Narasimha Reddy Movie Title Logo: In the Bahubali 2 release interview, Rajamouli said he has an issue with mega family. At the time of Magadheera film, Rajamouli has an argument with the mega family. Rajamouli said in that interview is the little bit. But in social media, it campaign even higher. The Mega family invited Rajamouli for Sira Narasimha Reddy logo launch. It says that Rajamouli has the close relationship with the mega family.
The conflicts between mega family and Rajamouli to keep full stop. One person acts as the mediator and suggested that he would be able to put a full stop. On that debate on social media. While Rajamouli attended on Sira Narasimha Reddy logo launch program. Ram Charan take that point and he calls to Rajamouli asked to attend the logo launch event. Rajamouli Twitter about Chiranjeevi 151 movie logo launch is prestigious to him. This incident has shown that there are arguments between Mega and Rajamouli.
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