Tollywood’s young and talented hero Ram Pothineni was recently seen in the movie Double Ismart, which, unfortunately, didn’t achieve the expected success. Now, his fans are eagerly awaiting his grand comeback. After this film, Ram announced his 22nd project with director Mahesh, which has already generated a lot of excitement.
Mahesh, who made a solid debut with Miss Shetty and Mr. Polishetty, is now working with Ram. The makers have unveiled a super cool first-look poster of Ram from this film. In this movie, Ram plays the character of Sagar, who rides a bicycle, and he looks jovial in a simple yet charming look. Ram shared that Sagar is “one of you,” adding to the intrigue. The film is being produced by Mythri Movie Makers, and the shooting is currently underway. Fans are eagerly awaiting the kind of entertainment this project will offer.