RBI Expects Two Thousand ATM’s Has No Longer History


RBI Expects Two Thousand ATM’s Has No Longer History

RBI Expects Two Thousand ATM’s Has No Longer History: RBI thought that ATMs is going to end. The numbers of ATMs are going to be decreased by 2000 yearly. The situation is going to be same as the old days to get to the banks for the money. The government performs many plans to keep away the public money from them.

At present, the currency exchange problems are not solved. Banks don’t have cash and ATMs also have very limited money. Some banks are taking orders before two days to deliver the money on the third day. As the problem is going on and the RBI is going to decrease the number of ATMs slowly. Slowly performing by the Modi government….is thinking same as in the ATMs matter.

Truly in UPAS government ATMs are used very efficiently. Where ever we see ATMs only appear. So people also preferred to take money from them. Indirectly the burden of banks also decreased but Modi thinks in a different way. Through the ATMs only black money is coming from banks the people will not take the huge amount of money. ATM’s are going to be removed is thinking by RBI.

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