Whether Nandini Reddy condemns the rumour or not, there is a talk that heroine Samantha is going through a lot of scripts during this lockdown time at home. Recently it has come out that senior director Singeetam approached her for a biopic on Bangalore based activist Nagaratnamma on the silver screen.
Reports are coming out that another Kannada movie has impressed Samantha a lot and she’s currently watching the film. We hear that a noted Telugu producer took Kannada film “Dia” to her, which is available on Amazon Prime Video right now. This film is a love story of an introvert girl and how her life changed after falling in love with a guy. Though its pretty slow film, it keeps audiences engaged.
Already Samantha has dome films like U-Turn, Oh Baby and Jaanu in recent times, which are remakes only. Among them, only Oh Baby worked for her due to the comedy factor while the serious thriller and verbose love story failed to click, before ending up as disasters. So, is she game for another remake now?
Some say that she might not take up the movie as a heroine, but might produce it. Anyway, we have to see if the production house gives up clarity on this.