Victory Venkatesh, along with Aishwarya Rajesh and Meenakshi Chowdhury as the leading ladies, has delivered a superhit under the direction of Anil Ravipudi. The movie, released as a Sankranti gift this year, garnered solid talk and emerged as the top choice for family audiences in the Telugu states.
The film achieved a record-breaking opening in Venkatesh’s career, with the makers confirming impressive worldwide collections on its second day as well. It grossed over ₹45 crores on the first day and maintained its momentum with more than ₹30 crores on the second day.
In just two days, the film has raked in over ₹77 crores gross, as confirmed by the team. With the third day showing strong advance bookings, this winning streak is expected to continue through the weekend. If this pace sustains, it is poised to become the biggest hit of Venkatesh’s illustrious career.