SBI Provides Electoral Bond Details to Election Commission: Affidavit Submission


The State Bank of India informed the Supreme Court that it has furnished all electoral bond details to the Election Commission, ensuring compliance with directives. While complete account numbers and KYC details remain undisclosed for cyber security reasons, information revealing bond purchasers, denominations, and encashment specifics has been provided. The affidavit confirms SBI’s adherence to court orders, emphasizing that no relevant details have been withheld, following the apex court’s insistence for full disclosure by March 21.

In response to the court’s previous directives, the SBI halted selectivity and ensured comprehensive revelation of electoral bond scheme particulars by the specified deadline. The court’s prior ruling, labeling the scheme unconstitutional and mandating disclosure of donor, donation, and recipient details by March 13, culminated in the closure of the controversial initiative. With SBI’s submission of bond purchase records and associated data to the EC by March 6, the apex court continues its vigilance over transparency in political funding.


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