Rajamouli is the director who elevated the Tollywood industry to global prominence. He achieved the coveted Oscar for a Telugu movie, and every film...
Manchu Vishnu's ambitious project, Kannappa, is gearing up for a rapid-fire finish. Initially planned as a global spectacle with a colossal budget, the film...
Tollywood star hero, Natural Star Nani, is currently busy with pan-India movies. He is presently acting in the movie 'Saripoda Sanivaram.' The updates from...
"Man of Masses" NTR stars alongside Janhvi Kapoor in the highly anticipated Pan-India film "Devara," directed by Koratala Siva. The already-released "Fear" song has...
After two consecutive solid hits, natural star Nani's awaited third movie is “Saripoda Sanivaram”. In this solid action drama directed by director Vivek Atreya,...