The acclaimed action director Boyapati Srinu and actor Ram Pothineni are collaborating on an upcoming film, currently known as BoyapatiRAPO. This pan-Indian film marks...
Nikhil Siddhartha's upcoming pan-Indian film, SPY, is a spy action adventure as the title suggests. The film was announced last year, with promotional material...
Kangana Ranaut, who recently wrapped up the shooting of her upcoming film Emergency, has shared the challenges she faced while directing it. Emergency is...
Hanuman is a groundbreaking Indian superhero film, based on the mythological character Hanuman, and starring Teja Sajja in the lead role. The film, directed...
The pan-Indian film Agent, starring Akkineni Akhil who is Akkineni Nagarjuna's son in the lead role, has been released in Telugu. Directed by Surender...