A partial solar eclipse can able to be seen through glasses with the assistance of a specialist under the unique event called ‘ Astro Night Sky Tourism’ which is conducted by the Rajasthan government’s Department of Science and Technology on Tuesday, said Kailash Mishra, curator, of Science Park.
The special program will be conducted free of cost for those people who are interested in Astro-science, the event may be arranged nearly from 4.30 pm to 5.30 at the Surya Mandir, Galta Gate hilltop, said, Mishra.
Mishra told news media, “to contest in the event which is provided by the Department of Science and Technology, google released one special link to register for the interested candidates who want to see the solar eclipse in the sky on the guidance of the experts.”
The appearance of the solar eclipse may be between the nearly from 4.30 to 5.29 p.m. on Tuesday in Jaipur, organised task in the program includes seeing the eclipse with solar eclipse glasses. scientists and experts in the technology and science department will guide the watchers to watch the half-solar eclipse.
“Continue observation will be going at the event while we are watching the eclipse by using the viewing glasses under the senior experts in the technology and a telescope must be used to watch the eclipse on the display screen. The overall task may be one hour till the Sun-set,” experts said.
Rajasthan is come up with the ‘Night Sky Astro Tourism’ event first in all districts in the state as well as in New Delhi, Bikaner House is also available to see the eclipse and the telescope will be fixed soon, officials said.