It is widely known that Prince Mahesh Babu will be starring in a movie directed by the renowned SS Rajamouli. The project, being referred to as ‘SSMB29,’ recently celebrated its opening with a pooja ceremony. The event took place in Hyderabad on Thursday, and it was attended by Mahesh Babu’s family, Rajamouli’s family, and several prominent film personalities at a private launch.
In the meantime, Mahesh Babu has undergone a complete transformation for this movie. His rugged look, featuring long hair and a beard, is already winning the hearts of fans. They are excited to see a fresh and new version of Mahesh Babu on screen after a long time.
Writer Vijayendra Prasad has confirmed that the movie will be an action-adventure genre. The film will also feature Hollywood technicians and is being made on a grand scale. Produced by renowned producer KL Narayana under the Durga Arts banner, the movie is expected to be a massive spectacle. The music for the film is being composed by Oscar-winning music director MM Keeravani.