The highly anticipated film "Kubera," directed by Shekhar Kammula, has already generated strong expectations among audiences. Excitement is particularly high, with stars Akkineni Nagarjuna...
In response to Konda Surekha's recent comments about the Akkineni family and Samantha’s divorce, the film industry has united in support of Nagarjuna and...
Telugu actor Nagarjuna Akkineni has filed a criminal and defamation case against Telangana Congress Minister Konda Surekha in the Nampally court. This legal action...
Bigg Boss 8 Telugu is heating up as tensions inside the house have escalated dramatically. With the show lacking excitement, the makers have resorted...
Bigg Boss Telugu Season 8, eagerly anticipated by television audiences, is finally set to entertain viewers. With the organizers having already released promotional videos,...
"Akkineni Naga Chaitanya and actress Sobhita Dhulipala have been in a relationship for some time now, and rumors about their impending engagement have been...
Nagarjuna latest movie, "Naa Saami Ranga," directed by newcomer Vijay Binni, is winning hearts worldwide. Teaming up with Ashika Ranganath, who plays Nagarjuna's love...
Naa Saami Ranga Dynamic Poster Unveiled
Naa Saami Ranga, starring Akkineni Nagarjuna, is gearing up for a grand release during the Sankranti 2024 season. The...
Akkineni Nagarjuna turned 64 on August 29
Akkineni Nagarjuna, known as 'Manmadhudu' in the Tollywood industry, celebrated his 64th birthday on August 29. Despite the...