Ramayanam marks Bollywood superstar Ranbir Kapoor’s grand period film following his intense hit Animal. Directed by Nitish Tiwari, the film’s production is moving rapidly. Ranbir...
This crazy horror comedy thriller directed by director Amar Kaushik in the combination of actress Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkumar Rao has rewritten records in...
Man of Masses NTR takes the lead, with Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor as the heroine, in director Koratala Siva's massive Pan India film, "Devara."...
The excitement surrounding the prestigious Tollywood film 'Devara' is palpable, with audiences eagerly awaiting its release. Featuring the Man of Mass Jr. NTR in...
Rumors of a divorce between Bollywood star couple Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai have been circulating on social media for several days. These speculations...
It's well-known that 'Akhanda 2' is being made with the powerful combination of Nandamuri Balakrishna and Boyapati Srinu. With the immense success of the...