Starring the man of the masses, NTR, alongside Bollywood's young heroine Janhvi Kapoor, "Devara" is the highly anticipated film directed by Koratala Siva. This...
The engaging sports drama "Mr and Miss Mahi," featuring the talented Rajkumar Rao and the young Janhvi Kapoor, is one of Bollywood's latest releases....
Balayya's fans have been eagerly awaiting Nandamuri Mokshajna's debut for many years. Balakrishna has announced that his son Mokshajna will make his entry this...
The web series 'Hiramandi,' directed by renowned Bollywood director Sanjay Leela Bhansali, has garnered significant attention and success on Netflix. Its captivating storyline has...
Indian-American actress Avantika Vandanapu, renowned for her role in 'Mean Girls', expressed her eagerness to venture into Indian cinema, citing influences from iconic Bollywood...