India witnessed the highest spike of 4,01,999 fresh cases of Covid-19 and 3,523 fatalities due to coronavirus infection in the last 24 hours, Ministry...
Laos recorded 75 more cases of Covid-19, raising the total in the country to 511, according to the Lao Ministry of Health on Tuesday.
In pandemic situations, The Actors and Actresses Are regularly Testing Positive for Covid-19, in the Cine Industry.
Recently, In the cinema industry, Sonu Sood is...
Telangana continues to record successively higher daily Covid tallies with each passing day, and on Saturday, the state registered 4,446 new cases and 12...
On World Health Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Wednesday urged citizens to keep focusing on fighting the Covid-19 pandemic by adopting all safety measures...
The Indian Women's League (IWL) has been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the All India Football Federation (AIFF) said on Tuesday. The league...