Man of Masses NTR stars as the hero, alongside Janhvi Kapoor as the heroine, in the highly anticipated Pan-India film "Devara", directed by Koratala...
The highly anticipated movie Devara, directed by Koratala Siva and starring the Man of Masses, NTR, with Janhvi Kapoor as the heroine, is generating...
Director Sandeep Reddy Vanga's interview with the 'Devara' team is currently making waves on social media. Meanwhile, Prabhas is set to collaborate with Sandeep...
The much-anticipated film "Devara," directed by Koratala Siva, features NTR as the mass hero and Janhvi Kapoor as the heroine. Scheduled for release on...
The highly anticipated trailer for "Devara" has just been released, and excitement is building as fans eagerly anticipate the impact it will make.
This Pan-India...