"Man of Masses" NTR stars alongside Janhvi Kapoor in the highly anticipated Pan-India film "Devara," directed by Koratala Siva. The already-released "Fear" song has...
Everyone is aware of the highly anticipated pan-India movie "Devara," directed by Koratala Siva and starring the man of the masses, NTR. The shooting...
The highly anticipated Pan-India film "Devara," featuring NTR, the man of the masses, and Bollywood star Janhvi Kapoor, is directed by Koratala Siva. As...
"'Devara' is an eagerly anticipated Pan-India film featuring 'Young Tiger NTR,' directed by the acclaimed Koratala Siva. Currently, extensive sets are being constructed for...
Get ready for an action-packed Telugu movie called "Devara: Part 1"! This exciting film reunites Jr NTR and director Koratala Siva. Bollywood actress Janhvi...
Devara: Part 1 marks Janhvi Kapoor much-anticipated debut in Tollywood, the Telugu film industry. Directed by Koratala Shiva, this action-packed epic features Jr NTR...