The highly anticipated film Mr. Bachchan, directed by Harish Shankar and starring Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja alongside Bhagyashree Borse, is set to be one...
Directed by renowned Tollywood filmmaker Harish Shankar, Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja's latest movie, "Mr. Bachchan," features him in the lead role. Bhagyashree Borse stars...
Power Star Pawan Kalyan is currently very busy with his political career, serving as the Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. Despite his political...
Mass Raja Ravi Teja's latest movie 'Mr Bachchan' has completed its shooting and is now in the busy post-production phase. Directed by Harish Shankar,...
Harish Shankar and Power Star Pawan Kalyan, who previously delivered the blockbuster hit, Gabbar Singh, have teamed up again for their upcoming film, Ustaad...
The upcoming film titled Ustaad Bhagat Singh of Pawan Kalyan's second collaboration with director Harish Shankar and produced by Mythri Movie Makers is creating...