The highly anticipated film "Kubera," directed by Shekhar Kammula, has already generated strong expectations among audiences. Excitement is particularly high, with stars Akkineni Nagarjuna...
On the occasion of Pan-India rebel star Prabhas's birthday today, fans and film celebrities across the country are showering him with warm wishes. Meanwhile,...
In a tragic turn of events, veteran actor Rajendra Prasad's daughter, Gayatri, passed away earlier today. She had complained of severe chest pain and...
With criticism mounting from various sections on HYDRAA and the controversial Musi Riverfront project, the Congress Party found itself on the defensive on Tuesday....
Two professors from Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (GRIET), an autonomous college under JNTU, Hyderabad, have been recognized among the top 2%...
The South-East Task Force, along with local police, arrested a man for allegedly deceiving people by claiming to solve their problems, including health issues,...