Starring the man of the masses, NTR, alongside Bollywood's young heroine Janhvi Kapoor, "Devara" is the highly anticipated film directed by Koratala Siva. This...
"Everyone is aware of the high expectations surrounding the prestigious projects currently being produced in Tollywood: 'Game Changer' starring global star Ram Charan and...
The highly anticipated Pan-India film "Devara," featuring NTR, the man of the masses, and Bollywood star Janhvi Kapoor, is directed by Koratala Siva. As...
Get ready for an action-packed Telugu movie called "Devara: Part 1"! This exciting film reunites Jr NTR and director Koratala Siva. Bollywood actress Janhvi...
Devara: Part 1 marks Janhvi Kapoor much-anticipated debut in Tollywood, the Telugu film industry. Directed by Koratala Shiva, this action-packed epic features Jr NTR...
Renowned Telugu actor Jr NTR was recently spotted in Bengaluru, alongside acclaimed Kannada filmmakers Prashanth Neel and Rishabh Shetty. The trio, accompanied by their...